What the heck is going on?
For months the media has been going on about the avian flu, even though there are very few cases, and none from human to human contact.
Yet there are huge orders for the current vaccine, which is inefficient against this virus, or the version of it which it would have to mutate into to be communicable between humans. Ok, maybe the pharmaceutical companies are just exploiting these fears for profit.
Yet the government talks about "developing a vaccine", but that requires developing the virus first.
In April the Bush administration added "pandemic influenza" to the list of diseases that the government can order a quarantine for, and last night CNN reported that the White House reiterated that they intend to use federal troops to enforce any "upcoming flu pandemic". The article also quoted officials in the medical community saying it was a huge draconian overreaction. I wish I had copied it, this morning there was no mention of quarantine enforcement in the news, only the tremendous amount of funds being steered into the 'preparations'.
This is a huge issue to me, I mean, a few years ago federal troops weren't allowed to perform domestic police duties. My how things change. Quarantines? What the ...? Can you imagine FEMA and federal troops shutting down airports and highways? Why is the government gearing up this huge operation, generating all of this concern, for a threat that, actually, has always been with us?
Not occasionally, but consistently, this administration has betrayed my trust in every issue I find important. Now, with this, instead of trusting I am actually beginning to fear our government.
I would only add that Australia has announced that if/when there is an outbreak of human to human avian flu, they will close their borders. They suggest that any overseas citizens get home quickly if/when the first outbreak occurs, after that they are on their own. Somehow this doesn't seem like an effective plan for dealing with a potential medical emergency. It does seem like a plan to control and cull vast populations of human beings.
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