Saturday, October 15, 2005


You Are 40% Weird

Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it!

Friday, October 07, 2005

"If a man cannot look evil in the face without illusion, he will never know what it really is, or combat it effectually. The few men who have been able (relatively) to do this have been called cynics, and have sometimes had an abnormal share of evil in themselves, corresponding to the abnormal strength of their minds; but they have never done mischief unless they intended to it. This is why great scoundrels have been beneficent rulers whilst amiable and privately harmless monarchs have ruined their countries by trusting to the hocus-pocus of innocence and guilt, reward and punishment, virtuous indignation and pardon, instead of standing up to the facts without either malice or mercy" - GB Shaw

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Bush has finally revealed his true agenda. It is a pattern that repeats in every action he has taken. He appoints people who will be personally loyal to him, fires those whom he suspects may not be, regardless of competence. Katrina was a glaring example, but not the only one. If you look at all the on-going disasters of this Administration, from Enron, Anthrax, 9/11, Abu Graib, Gitmo, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, the deficit, the Stock Market ( still hasn’t recovered to pre-Bush levels), Osama Bin Laden, et al, you see warning signs ignored, incompetent managers, and a response that only partially fixes the problem but mainly advances some right wing policy. The avian flu scare should demonstrate this clearly. There is a potential, doctors have said, for a disastrous pandemic flu out break somewhere in the US, and the response is to prepare the military to quarantine large segments of the populace. Not to help people to avoid getting sick, not to offer some kind of emergency heath care program, but to set up a program that would probably result in greater destruction. After the quarantine is in place, and riots have been quelled, and the fires have burned themselves out, Bush will pay Blackwater, Haliburton, and Bechtel, to pick up the bodies and clear the land. Similarly, but in reverse, the Missile Shield is still consuming billions of dollars and diverting scientific talent on a system meant to respond to a failure of diplomacy: China is the only country that could instigate an attack that would be (hopefully) dealt with by the SDI. North Korea, Iran, or some other neophyte nuclear power would as likely deliver the bomb in a boat or balloon, or cruise missile, avoiding the untestable system altogether. The Supreme Court has become another such an example. Appointing young sycophants seems like a preparation for responding to some potential Constitutional crisis that Bush would need to be bailed out of. For example, if the Democrats regain control of either the Senate or House in 2006, he would need the Court to protect him from hearings and independent investigators. Roberts has already shown that he will ‘legislate from the bench’ in the assisted suicide case, in support of a Bush policy.