Tuesday, September 20, 1994

Chiapas 1994

Chiapas, Mexico, 1994 August

I flew out of LAX at 12 midnight on Tuesday the 9th of August. Arrived at Mexico City at 5:30 am on Wednesday the 10th. waited in a restaurant called the Baron Roja. Made the plane to Tuxtla at 7:30 am. As I left the airport terminal someone said, “Are you a Norris?”. It was Tom and it was a good guess as I was the only gringo getting off the plane. We hugged and walked over to a cafe. As he was ordering me a coke and tamale a policeman came over and asked me to respond to some questions. I told him to wait. Thomas returned and told him I was “solo un touristo”. If I had been a journalist I was required to fill out all these forms because of the election. Then we took a ride in a Ford Bronco for two hours as I nodded in and out of sleep the car careened up switch backs into the mountains of Chiapas. At last we arrived and I took a nap.
We walked to the center of town and rented a bike then went to Thomas’ office.